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Capturing Your Sound
Is Our Priority

With decades of experience working with people who enjoy music from every genre, I will teach you how to master any instrument and record, mix and master your own music.

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Our passion is to help you express yourself through music, exactly the way you want.
Music is a powerful expression in your life. It is a story teller of what’s on your mind, things you’ve experienced and emotions you’ve felt.
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Artist Development
Whether you want to learn to play a new instrument or want to master new techniques, we will teach you how to easily master your instrument. You’ll leave every session with new found confidence in playing your instrument.
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Your music is a reflection of you. The quality of music my team and I record for you is a representation of us. We take pride in our work and making sure your music is top notch so you can share your message with the world.
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Mix & Master
Your music is a reflection of you. The quality of music my team and I record for you is a representation of us. We take pride in our work and making sure your music is top notch so you can share your message with the world.
I know it can be difficult when you’re looking for someone to help you reach your musical goals. Whether learning to play a music instrument, recording your music or mixing and mastering your sounds
the way you dreamed.
The first step is having a call with me, Mike, so we can talk about your music goals, what you’re looking for in a music studio and see if we're a fit.
I will create a game plan based on my discovery call with you. Next, you and I will meet at the studio or have a phone call to talk about next steps.
Time to get started. I deliver on my promise of helping you reach your music goals we discussed on first discovery call.

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We care about creating well rounded musicians that can contribute their masterpieces to the world!
Each artist is unique and that's why we create a game plan that is specific to each artist.

Guiding you to find the perfect instrument to create the sound that defines who you are as a musician.

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Mike McConaghy was born and raised in Southern California. He is the lead engineer at Eravox Studios and has been recording, mixing and mastering music for over 20 years. His vast musical influences, understanding of music therory and the ability to play so many different instruments allows him to work in any genre. His passion is bringing life to the musical dreams of every artist he works with.
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Luis “GSD” is the business man that makes all the magic happen behind the scenes. Music and dancing are in his blood. A tech and marketing wizard, he brings the skills needed to keep everything running. There’s not a business problem he doesn’t know how to resolve.
Engineering and Music Production Masterclass

Your wait is over. Get a real-life, immersive masterclass on engineering, music production and learn what it takes to build your own music studio.

You’ll be learning from inside Eravox Studios recording studio where we’ve recorded many artists, musicians, and have taught some up and coming beat makers.

Mike will be your expert that you’ll be learning directly from. Taking his 20+ years of music experience and shortening your learning curves. He will give you the best ways to get world-class results.

Audio Engineering
Audio Engineering

In the EMP, not only will you learn how to produce and record your music or for your potential clients; but you will also learn to mix, master and
release your own music. No matter where you’re skills are currently at, we will walk you through every step to help you exceed your goals.

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Music Productions
Music Production

Music production is where one or more people create a musical work. Whether its hiphop, metal, pop or country, any artist will need to either produce their own music or hire a producer to do so for them. During a music production, elements like drums, bass, guitar, keys, etc., are recorded one by one until a musical work is produced. We can show you how to start from scratch in any genre!

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The recording portion of the EMP will show you not only how to record your vocals or any artist/client you’d like to bring into your studio; you will also learn how to record a guitar, bass, drum kit or even a full band. The techniques you absorb will make you a BADASS recording engineer, which will have your artist/client coming back to you again and again.

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For every song you hear on the radio, after it has been recorded, the song goes into the mixing phase next. We will show you the tips and tricks on how to create a mix that sounds like your favorite artists. Recipes you can use over and over again to create a consistent sound that you and your clients love.

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Mastering is the finishing touch to a mixed song. This part of the process only exists to make subtle
touches to a mix as a whole and then finally, make the mix competitively loud in comparison to other released songs. After mastering, the song is ready for release. Tools like saturation, eq, compression and limiting are just a few things that get used to master a mix but we will show you some of the most popular techniques in the industry to date.

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Building Professional Image and Business Management
Building Professional Image and Business Management

This part of the EMP isn’t as musical as the rest of it, but the value here is inexplicable. We will show
you how to build a brand, get your name in front of local people and maintain a great business relationship with your clients. Things like a logo, Yelp page, website, invoicing and many other ways of making sure people notice your brand are what separates a business from a hobby.

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Audio Engineering
Music Productions
Building Professional Image and Business Management
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Examples of work we’ve done to show you our versatility in music projects


What people are saying about the work and service we offer


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You can also browse the frequently asked questions below to find what you are looking for

How long does it take to finish a song?

Depending on what kind of an artist you are, a finished song can take 3 -10 hours. If you are only looking to record vocals to an instrumental, we can have a radio ready mastered track finished within 3-4 hours. 

Do you have to be local?

Absolutely not! We work with bands and artists all over the world. If you’re looking to master a instrument, we offer our Artist Development Program online. 

If you are looking to have your music mixed or mastered, we can walk you through how to properly send us all of your files and we will return our finished work to you.
Do I need my own instrument?

No, we have everything you need at the studio. We can even assist you in finding the perfect instrument.

How many music lessons will I need?

The amount of lessons a student needs is based upon prior knowledge and experience, how much they practice and their goals as a musician. Our Artist Development Program is designed to build a professional musician in the most fun and efficient way. 

How do I pick the perfect instrument?

Traditionally, people will often say, “You should start off learning the piano.”, or “Guitar player’s have to start on the acoustic guitar.” We believe that you should start on the instrument that you dream of playing. Choosing an instrument you are deeply interested in will make the learning process much easier. To help you decide, we offer lessons on multiple instruments to all of our students.

How much per session?

We charge clients either per hour or per day(s), depending on the project. For more information rates please contact us at, so we can discuss the details of your project.